Welcome to Woodside Community Church of the Nazarene, we’re so thrilled you’ve dropped in to have a look around. We hope you find all the info you need about us here, but if you want to speak to us, please pick up the phone and dial 01923 465114 to reach our office, or you can use the contact form below (note: there may be a delay in our response when using the contact form so phone contact is preferred). Thank you.
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently not accepting any new hall rental bookings, so do not expect a response to any enquiries of this nature. Also, the phone and contact form are only for Woodside Church. See below the form for North Watford info. Thank you.
North Watford Infomation. Please email nazarenechurchwatford@gmail.com to contact the North Watford Church of the Nazarene. Please do not use this address to contact Woodside Church.
For additional information you can visit their Instagram page at: instagram.com/nazarene.church