A warm welcome awaits you here at Woodside Community Church of the Nazarene.

We do understand it can be a bit daunting to ‘give church a try’ and, even, if you are a seasoned church-goer stepping into a new church feels a bit vulnerable. So, when you come to Woodside Nazarene, what can you expect?

Firstly, expect to be in a place that has a mix of people in it – there will be some who who are just like you and it is pretty certain there will be others from a different background/age/experience. Expect variety, and we hope you learn to love it – it is part of who God made us to be as a church family. We are a lively family church, well equipped to welcome you.

Secondly, expect praise and worship singing alongside prayer and preaching. The love of God is so profound, it moves us deeply and we like to express. This sometimes involves loud singing and raised hands.  This usually leads in to preaching that brings the Bible’s truths to bear on our daily lives. Here at Woodside Community Church we expect this preaching to move us, forward, to become more like the people God wants us to be.

If you want to find out what our Sunday Services are like why not take a look at our YouTube channel. There you will find our archive of previous Sunday Worship services and a few specials too. You can also join us live on a Sunday morning if you want to take a peek inside before you come to join us in person. You’ll find us at youtube.com/@woodsidenazarene