On-Line Meetings

Sunday School Nativity Service

Hi Folks. Just a little reminder that our Children’s nativity ‘A King is Born’ is this Sunday, 15th December, at 10:30am – all are welcome and we encourage you to join us for this special Christmas event. Please be aware that the service will not have a public livestream this week in the interests of…

No Service Sunday 5th March

Hi Everyone, Just a quick post to remind you that there will be no Services at Woodside this coming Sunday Morning, March 5th. This is because the majority of our congregation will be away at our Church Fellowship weekend. Services will resume as normal on Sunday 12th March at 10:30am. Apologies to those of you…

Sunday Services On-Line

If you are unable to join us in person to worship with us on Sunday mornings our Sunday Services are live-streamed each week at 10:30am. The stream will start approximately 5 minutes before the beginning of the service at around 10:25 am on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@WoodsideNazarene (opens new tab), or you can search YouTube…

Easter Services 2022

We have services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday this year. Church is back to ‘business as usual’ and we would invite you join us in church as we celebrate Christ crucified and Risen again. Good Friday Join us at WCCN for our Easter communion service at 10:30am which will be led by Pastor Tommy…

Easter Services 2021

We have three on-line services for you this Easter, please pop the dates and times into your calendars and join us as we celebrate Christ crucified and Risen again. Maundy Thursday Thursday 1st April, 7:30pm. This year we are unable to meet in church for our normal Maundy Thursday reflective service, so we have moved…

New Year’s EVE Gathering

On new year’s eve the Nazarene British Isle South District are holding a special ‘Zoom’ event for folks around the District. This is a great opportunity to widen our horizons further than would be normally be possible, especially during lockdown, by gathering with Nazarenes from across the country and connecting with people from further afield.…

Easter Services 2020

We have three on-line services for you this Easter, please pop the dates and times into your calendars and join us as we celebrate Christ crucified and Risen again. Good Friday We have two services for you on Good Friday. The first at 10:30am is a communion service for the whole of the British Isles…