Upcoming Events

Knit and Natter

A Social time of knitting and catching up with friends.

OASIS – A time OF Bible Study and Prayer

A mid-week time of Bible study and prayer held in the church (multi-purpose area) and on-line using our Zoom room for anyone who cannot physically attend in person. If you would like to join by zoom and don’t have the log-in information please check our weekly Day by Day leaflet or contact us for help.…

Little Stars Stay & Play

For Babies and Toddlers 0 to 3 years. Come along with parent(s)/carers and share time together with your baby or pre-school child. Term time only. Call office for more information.

Easter Choir Practice

Come and join our choir practice in preparation for our Easter Services. Please let Andrew T or Johanna know if you would like to come along. Practice time TBC – please double check.

Sunday Service On-Line

Join us online for morning worship on our Sunday Morning Service Live Stream on our YouTube channel. Streaming starts at 10:25, service begins at 10:30. All details are available on our website here: http://www.watfordnazarene.org.uk/sunday-services-on-line/

Sunday Worship at WCCN

Join us for our Sunday morning worship at Woodside church at 10:30am. Services are also live-streamed on YouTube if you are unable to join us in church.

Mens Bible Study

Join us for our bible study especially for men on the last Monday evening of every month at 7:30 in the church Multi-Purpose area.

Praise Band Practice

Practice session for Sunday Morning Worship. Praise band and AV Team members only.

Kids Club

On every other Friday from 5:30 to 6:30pm for children from Reception to Year 6. Please let Paula know if your children can come. Donations welcome.