Upcoming Events
A Social time of knitting and catching up with friends.
A mid-week time of Bible study and prayer held in the church (multi-purpose area) and on-line using our Zoom room for anyone who cannot physically attend in person. If you would like to join by zoom and don’t have the log-in information please check our weekly Day by Day leaflet or contact us for help.…
For Babies and Toddlers 0 to 3 years. Come along with parent(s)/carers and share time together with your baby or pre-school child. Term time only. Call office for more information.
Come and join our choir practice in preparation for our Easter Services. Please let Andrew T or Johanna know if you would like to come along. Practice time TBC – please double check.
Join us in church for a short time of prayer every Friday morning.
Join us online for morning worship on our Sunday Morning Service Live Stream on our YouTube channel. Streaming starts at 10:25, service begins at 10:30. All details are available on our website here: http://www.watfordnazarene.org.uk/sunday-services-on-line/
Join us for our Sunday morning worship at Woodside church at 10:30am. Services are also live-streamed on YouTube if you are unable to join us in church.
Join us for our bible study especially for men on the last Monday evening of every month at 7:30 in the church Multi-Purpose area.
Practice session for Sunday Morning Worship. Praise band and AV Team members only.
On every other Friday from 5:30 to 6:30pm for children from Reception to Year 6. Please let Paula know if your children can come. Donations welcome.