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I’m pursuing my MA TESOL degree at Multnomah University in Portland. My vision is to go into unreached, creative access countries, start English Academies, and bring in other TESOL trained missionaries; it’s a common, effective way for people to go into missions. I think that this degree falls short of my goals, and Multnomah was recently merged into Jessup University, which opens a lot of degree options. I’m considering pursuing Jessup’s online MBA alongside my MA TESOL. Pray for wisdom, clarity, understanding, discernment and guidance on this. Pray also for wisdom in planning the finances. There is money set aside from my parents for college, and I’ve only used the GI bill so far. Pray for wisdom, resourcefulness and prudence in stewarding those finances, and that the money will stretch far, and richly cover the costs. Thanks.

Received: November 27, 2023

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